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Wersja językowa: PL
Wielkość: 5,1 MB
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Premiere date: July 26th 2019
Format: 320kbit/s, mp3

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Available: 9/100

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Kaiser Chiefs Duck mp3 songs list:

1. People Know How To Love One Another
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4. Target Market
5. Don’t Just Stand There, Do Something
6. Record Collection
7. The Only Ones
8. Lucky Shirt
9. Electric Heart
10. Northern Holiday
11. Kurt vs Frasier (The Battle For Seattle)

Release 2019, the seventh studio album of the British indie rock band Kaiser Chiefs. This is a continuation of their 2016 Stay Together album. The Duck contains the single «Record Collection». Inspired by the music of new wave and punk rock of the late 70s and 80s, the Kaiser Chiefs released six studio albums of original: Employment (2005), Yours Truly, Angry Mob (2007), Off with Their Heads (2008), The Future Is Medieval (2011), Education, Education, Education and war (2014), and Stay Together (2016), one EP: Lap of Honor (2005), a compilation album: Souvenir: The Singles 2004-2012 (2012) and numerous singles.

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Release date: July 26th 2019
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West Coast rapper Spice 1 will drop his new project called ‘Platinum OG’ on July 26th. The album will contain 22 new songs and will be guest appearances of Too Short, Kurupt, Devin The Dude, Rappin ‘4-Tay, The Outlawz, Big Mike, Yukmouth, Richie Rich, MC Eiht, more. Production will be delivered by San Antonio duo Elder & Ace 1.

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Chance the Rapper The Big Day full album


Chance the Rapper The Big Day Digital album
Premiere date: July 26th 2019
Format: 320kbit/s, mp3

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Available: 7/100

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File size;: 326,7 MB

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Chance the Rapper The Big Day album songs list:

1. Big Fish (ft. Kanye West)
2. On the Run
3. Sun Come Down
4. Girl in Town
5. Hot Water
6. Not Single Anymore (ft. Francis and the Lights)
7. Do You Understand
8. Rooster
9. GRoCERIES (ft. Murda Beatz & TisaKorean)
10. Bag
11. Even If It Hurts
12. Slide Around
13. Pray For Em
14. Side Things
15. Skim Thru
16. 5 Yr Plan
17. Where Ya Goin
18. We Go High

‘The Big Day’ is the long awaited debut album of Chance the Rapper and his fourth solo project. ‘The Big Day’ is set to arrive July 26. ‘The Big Day’ is a continuation of Chance’s Mixtape Coloring Book 2016. The album will include the previously released single ‘GRoCERIES’ with rapper Houston TisaKorean, as well as songs inspired by his wedding.

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Caamp By and By full album


Caamp By and By mp3
Premiere date: July 26th 2019
Format: mp3, 320kbit/s

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Available: 10/100

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File size;: 356,5 MB

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Caamp By and By album songs list:

1. Feels Like Home
2. Keep the Blues Away
3. No Sleep
4. Peach Fuzz
5. Wolf Song
6. Penny, Heads Up
7. Wunderbar
8. On & On & On
9. Moonsmoke
10. Huckleberry Love
11. By and By
12. Of Love and Life

Caamp formed when childhood friends Meier and Evan Taylor Westfall bound by a common love for music and Ohio. Their self-titled debut (2016) exceeded 52 million pieces and climbed on the Spotify list. Caamp then toured with Rainbow Kitten Surprise, appeared at the head of the United States, gave Boys EP (2K sold) and added a third member, Matt Vinson. The band built a grass-roots audience from concert tours around the world and sold 25,000 tickets in the last 8 months. In 2019, international festivals will play, including Shaky Knees, The Great Escape, Outside Lands, Edmonton Folk Festival, Austin City Limits and others. By and By was a co-production of Josh Block and Austin Jenkins (Leon Bridges, White Denim) at Ft. Worth s Niles City Sound. Awaited album «By and By» provides key songs «Penny Heads Up,» «No Sleep,» «By and By» and «Peach Fuzz».

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Lloyd Cole Guesswork full album


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Premiere date: July 26th 2019
Format: 320kbit/s, mp3

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Available: 10/100

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File size;: 331,5 MB

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Lloyd Cole Guesswork mp3 songs list:

1. The over Under
2. Night Sweats
3. Violins
4. Remains
5. The Afterlife
6. Moments and Whatnot
7. When I Came Down from the Mountain
8. The Loudness Wars

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Particle Kid Window Rock Full album
Release date: July 26th 2019
Format: 320kbit/s, mp3

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Available: 6/100

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File size;: 335,2 MB

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Particle Kid Window Rock mp3 songs list:

1. Question Song
2. Backwards
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6. Stroboscopic Light
7. Magic Mirror
8. Hollows
9. Still Going

Window Rock is an album that wants to find meaning in a morally ambivalent world. Micah Nelson, who records under the name Kid Particle, seeks to achieve this objective with 9 new, kaleidoscopic tracks, exploring the mythology of each other, with verve, minimalism and simplicity. Window Rock turns out to be the most work outside Particle Kid reverberant lyricism and melodic range of Micah, now based on the chemistry and Tony Peluso Je Smith, his longtime rhythm section team Insects vs. Robots.

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